Diffusion of Responsibility: Pain and Memory
Some people believe that it is through pain that we learn, that our brain becomes sharp, we learn faster, we are eager as the fight or flight response is switched on, ready to act.
I think we are confusing pain to struggle.
See, in pain, any kind, physical, mental, emotional, I think we reflect, we prayed to be let out, to be free of these pains, and it is in this moment, vulnerable, that we become agile, believe me, very agile, the will to survive in that instant, at any given chances, note that these moments are short-lived, especially when we are not let out or when the pain increases.
Of course, we should talk about resiliency at these times, the will, the strength to keep on going and witness the end of the journey.
Many would have you believe that this pain is what we need to learn- the pain I think is been noted here is the pain of others, when we see hunger on TV, job loss that affect people and you can see the pain in their eyes. When you listen to these people's stories, it is compelling, you want to uplift them, help them and so on. It is this pain that we learn from because we absorb them. When some people say I will learn through pain, I understand them- but struggles is a better word- as I have seen the pain in people's ears, and I am certain that I have not been close to these pain in their natural form.
But I have been in pain, a burning one, consistent, excruciating- it was unbelievable. And so I will define these pains as authoritarian, it grapples you, distract, and overwhelm. In this way, when I experienced mine, I could neither read very well especially fiction, although I force myself to. I do attend school and I have to study, so you must understand, either way, fiction, non-fiction or textbooks, I have to study, and I was well fofr the most times, I did very well in school and I couldn't be more glad- because when these pain first arrived, and I notice the disturbances it had on my growth and ability to learn- I was scared. And so, I was often agitated about my grade, all was well- at least, for the first few years.
The second time that these pains decided to visit me again, it was worse than before, my level to retain what I had learned decreases, sometimes I wonder how I write what I write when I say or feel that my level of learning or the way I use to understand information had been attacked. The second time wasn't a fairytale. It was at this moment that I realize that the changes I had felt weren't natural, doesn't feel like it, it had come as loads, a sudden change, drought, sudden thirst- and I was very spiritual- very at the first time, I rested for about some time, I couldn't understand what I was feeling, I increase my prayers. many visits to doctors and even my own diagnoses didn't measure up to what I was feeling.
It could be a medical condition, but the term fr I am yet to find.
So did I learn during these times.
I did learn, I met with people, I started to associate with new social groups of the society, I was positive that everything would be okay. I moved away to see if distances give me better answers, reflections, and ways to move on with my life. I have never experienced such an internal attack on self. This way, I learn about a new side of life, people. I understand that people are drawn to violence, whether they be the perpetrators or the bystanders and so drawn to vulnerable people, preys or at least, people predators believe that they are able to attack, depressed. Although I did not leave the space to be attacked in this way, I later found that I would be called to be asked, how had life went? what happened? what did you do? and so on.
So for someone who is still dealing with the struggle, and they to be called to tell the tales- it is amazing and I am only awed.
Pain alert us, tell us to move, it is time to go, and keep running till you fell the uplift if there is no one around to uplift us. It could weaken the brain, destroy neurons if the pain is excruciating and a lot- in this way, learning is hard, and memory can be lost. It the pain is short, mild not chronic, like headache, cramps, a fall that healed well- this can have little to no impact to how we learn, knowing that the brain is not affected in any way
And it is necessary that I add that when you see people at their lowest, whether they come out of it alive, whole or half bodied- still respect them, their privacies, it may be everything they have while they are in front of you and you could see them.
The diffusion of responsibility here is not far out, it is only the person and those around that could step in- and yes if people or individuals are to or could explain their pain, feelings, and you understand and could or would help.
I think we are confusing pain to struggle.
See, in pain, any kind, physical, mental, emotional, I think we reflect, we prayed to be let out, to be free of these pains, and it is in this moment, vulnerable, that we become agile, believe me, very agile, the will to survive in that instant, at any given chances, note that these moments are short-lived, especially when we are not let out or when the pain increases.
Of course, we should talk about resiliency at these times, the will, the strength to keep on going and witness the end of the journey.
Many would have you believe that this pain is what we need to learn- the pain I think is been noted here is the pain of others, when we see hunger on TV, job loss that affect people and you can see the pain in their eyes. When you listen to these people's stories, it is compelling, you want to uplift them, help them and so on. It is this pain that we learn from because we absorb them. When some people say I will learn through pain, I understand them- but struggles is a better word- as I have seen the pain in people's ears, and I am certain that I have not been close to these pain in their natural form.
But I have been in pain, a burning one, consistent, excruciating- it was unbelievable. And so I will define these pains as authoritarian, it grapples you, distract, and overwhelm. In this way, when I experienced mine, I could neither read very well especially fiction, although I force myself to. I do attend school and I have to study, so you must understand, either way, fiction, non-fiction or textbooks, I have to study, and I was well fofr the most times, I did very well in school and I couldn't be more glad- because when these pain first arrived, and I notice the disturbances it had on my growth and ability to learn- I was scared. And so, I was often agitated about my grade, all was well- at least, for the first few years.
The second time that these pains decided to visit me again, it was worse than before, my level to retain what I had learned decreases, sometimes I wonder how I write what I write when I say or feel that my level of learning or the way I use to understand information had been attacked. The second time wasn't a fairytale. It was at this moment that I realize that the changes I had felt weren't natural, doesn't feel like it, it had come as loads, a sudden change, drought, sudden thirst- and I was very spiritual- very at the first time, I rested for about some time, I couldn't understand what I was feeling, I increase my prayers. many visits to doctors and even my own diagnoses didn't measure up to what I was feeling.
It could be a medical condition, but the term fr I am yet to find.
So did I learn during these times.
I did learn, I met with people, I started to associate with new social groups of the society, I was positive that everything would be okay. I moved away to see if distances give me better answers, reflections, and ways to move on with my life. I have never experienced such an internal attack on self. This way, I learn about a new side of life, people. I understand that people are drawn to violence, whether they be the perpetrators or the bystanders and so drawn to vulnerable people, preys or at least, people predators believe that they are able to attack, depressed. Although I did not leave the space to be attacked in this way, I later found that I would be called to be asked, how had life went? what happened? what did you do? and so on.
So for someone who is still dealing with the struggle, and they to be called to tell the tales- it is amazing and I am only awed.
Pain alert us, tell us to move, it is time to go, and keep running till you fell the uplift if there is no one around to uplift us. It could weaken the brain, destroy neurons if the pain is excruciating and a lot- in this way, learning is hard, and memory can be lost. It the pain is short, mild not chronic, like headache, cramps, a fall that healed well- this can have little to no impact to how we learn, knowing that the brain is not affected in any way
And it is necessary that I add that when you see people at their lowest, whether they come out of it alive, whole or half bodied- still respect them, their privacies, it may be everything they have while they are in front of you and you could see them.
The diffusion of responsibility here is not far out, it is only the person and those around that could step in- and yes if people or individuals are to or could explain their pain, feelings, and you understand and could or would help.
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